Registrar vacancey in IIPS, Mumbai

(Under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)

Applications are invited for the post of Registrar, detail as given below:-

1)  Name of Post: Registrar
     Pay Scale: Rs.10000-325-15200/-
     Age: Not more then 50 years
     Qualification: Bachelor‘s Degree
     Experience: Minimum 7 year experience with at least 4 years in a Sr. Administrative

Special Instructions:-
  • The above post carries dearness and other allowances as admissible to Central Government employees of equivalent grades stationed in Mumbai.
  • Application should be reach before 07th April, 2008
  • Application should be typed on A4 paper in the prescribed format & should be sent To Director, International Institute of Population Sciences, Govandi Station Road, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088. Please attached the attested copies of certificates and not received by due date shall not be considered.

1. Application for the post of:
2. Name (in block letters):
3. Date & Place of Birth (attach certificate)
4. Residential Address:
a) Permanent with Pin Code
b) Present for correspondence with Pin Code
c) Telephone No.
d) Email id Residence Office
5. Nationality:
6. Sex:
7. Marital Status:
8. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC:
(Attach caste certificate if any)
9. Academic Records (Matriculation onwards) attach certificate

     Examination     University/       Year of          Subject         %age of        Division
     Passed              Board Year      Passing                                Marks

10. Application held (attach certificate)
      Designation    Grade &       Name of          Date of       Date of      Reason for
                                 Pay Scale     Employer       Joining       Leaving     Leaving

11. Job Experience in brief:
12. References:
13. Any other information (attach separate sheet):

I certify that all the statements made in this application and its annexure are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date:                                                                                                 (Signature of Candidate)

Courtesy: Employment Newspaper (Advt. No.EN/51-94)


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