Vancant Post for Deputy Commandant (TPT) in ITBP


Applications are invited from Indian citizen for following positions:-

Name of Post: Deputy Commandant (TPT) (Deputation Basis)
Posts: Two
Pay Scale: Rs.10000/- – Rs.15200/- pm

The eligibility conditions to the posts are as under:-

a) Officer of the Central or State Governments:-
b) Holding equivalent and analogous post on regular basis or Assistant Commandant (TPT) in other States / Central Police Organizations with six year regular services in the grade.

The period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of the application.

Pay & Allowances: The pay of the officer selected for appointment on deputation basis will be regulated in accordance with the Deptt. Of Personnel & Training O.M. No.2/29/91 – Estt. (Pay) dated 5th January, 1994 as amended from the time to time.

a) The selected person shall be liable to be posted anywhere in India.
b) The post of Deputy Commandant (TPT) in ITBPF is combatised in the rank of Deputy Commandant (TPT) the ITBPF Act 1992 and ITBPF Rules 1994 shall apply to the person so appointed selected for deputation.
c) Selected officer shall be allowed to draw Uniform Maintenance Allowances as admissible under the rules. Salary will be subject to normal income tax as applicable to civil officers.
d) Rent free un furnished family accommodation at Bn Hqrs and training centers, cap type single accommodation in forward area will be provided free of cost.
e) Leave as per State Leave Rules (Only for State Government Officers)
f) Leave Travel Concession: He will be entitled to the grant of leave travel concession under CCS (LTC) Rules as amended from time to time.
g) Medical attendance As per Central Govt. Medical Attendance Rules.

Application through proper channel of willing and suitable officers along with their RESUME in the prescribed Performa together with up to date ACR dossiers for the last 5 years & vigilance clearance should reach Senior Administrative Officer (Pers-I) Directorate General, ITBP, MHA, Govt. of India, Block NO.2, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 within two month from the date of publication. Officers once nominated will be permitted to withdraw their candidatures.


1) Name in block letters:
2) Date of Birth:
3) Educational Qualification:
4) Present post held and scale of pay:
5) Present pay drawn (Basic)
6) Post held on regular basis with effect from:
7) Date of confirmation:
8) Details of posts held in various pay scales in past:


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