Walk-in-Interview for Research Associates in IASRI

“Walk-in-Interview” will be held at Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi as per detail below:-

Post: Research Associates, No of Post 01 for the pay Scale of Rs.11500/- + HRA with age limit of 40 years maximum (relaxation as per govt rules). Qualification: Post Graduate in Agriculture Statistics / M.Sc Computer Application / MCA / M.Tech or equivalent degree. Experience: Candidate should be computer programming languages.

General Instruction:-
Applicant brings all original documents with passport size photo for the time of interview. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.

Place of Interview:-
Room No.106,
Training cum Administrative Block
Library Avenue, Pusa
New Delhi – 110 012
Date & Time: 27th May, 2008 at 10:00 am


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